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JD Graham
2805 N McKinley
Oklahoma City, OK 73106

Date: Saturday, August 17 2024 08:00 PM
Doors: 7:30 PM - This event is All Ages
Promoter: Blue Door
   JD Graham
"I knew I would meet my demons in prison and that one of us would die. I just didn't know which one of us would walk out of there alive."

For most of us, these would be very sobering thoughts, the kind of thoughts that would scare a person straight and ready them for battle. But for JD Graham, well, his passion for long-lived self-destruction outweighed any fear he might have had right before the cell bars slammed shut. His 25-year long drug addiction was an ironclad "shelter" he could take with him anywhere... or so he thought. Those demons that he would, in fact, meet wore many different faces and he came to recognize each one as soon as it reared its ugly head. It didn't take long for Graham to realize during that waged war that there was another force fighting alongside him, and that he was going to slay them all. "My faith is what got me sober and keeps me sober. I was raised in a Christian church and I was always a believer, I just never surrendered. I was disciplined in the dark, not the light. Now, I have reprogrammed my brain on how I see life. I have healthy boundaries and an accurate moral inventory I take each day. That's what God and prison did for me."

In 2023, JD Graham officially entered his name into the songwriting annals with the release of his new album "Pound Of Rust" on June 23rd. Recorded at the Skinny Elephant in East Nashville and produced by Neilson Hubbard (Glen Phillips, Mary Gauthier, Kim Richey, Ben Glover, Amy Speace)
and acclaimed songwriter Ryan Culwell, this spacious group of songs are the uninhibited testimony of a man with nothing left to lose. No bells and whistles, just Graham and his guitar, the album's atmosphere is as raw as its telling captured in a live performance setting. The title-track is the hard taskmaster to which all the other songs fall into line. It's a beast of a story that stares you down until you come to terms with your own accountability. The songs that follow are echoes of a well-worn soul who fought to have the right to see possibilities and experience reverence. Song after song the listener is seized and silenced as the weight of Graham's sincerity welcomes you into this hallowed chamber. JD is what you call a songwriter's songwriter, a man who keeps a crowd hanging on his every word. "Pound Of Rust" is an actual lifetime in the making, and it encapsulates the full culmination of the man who stands before you today. JD continues to put his faith and trust in God and live life on life's terms. He continues his path fueled by faith, redemption and sobriety, writing poignant songs about his journey both past and present.

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Tickets went off Sale on Sunday, Aug 18 2024 but may still be available at the door
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